Beat the Bloat
It’s not belly fat, it’s inflammation in the gut!
I know, I know- you’ve tried eating healthy, getting enough sleep and working out but that muffin top just won’t budge. It’s uncomfortable to put on your jeans and no matter what you eat you feel like you look 3 months pregnant.
I’m here to let you know, that’s because it is not belly fat. Yes, you read that correctly. It is not belly fat. It is inflammation in the gut, and no amount of crunches, sit ups or hours spent at the gym will get rid of the discomfort you feel because the cause isn’t a lack of exercise. It’s a lack of understanding. Well, I’m here to clear that up for you. When they said “abs are made in the kitchen” they weren’t lying.
Let’s get to the root of the inflammation, and bust the bulge that just hasn’t budged.
You are not alone.
I was once in your shoes. Then I discovered the power of food and the impact it had on my gut. My life has forever changed. I feel better in my post baby body than I did in my early 20s. That’s because it was never belly fat, it was inflammation in my gut bloating me up.
Your Instructor

Frequently Asked Questions
This is for you if:
- you are fed up with counting calories and weigh ins (I’m against both of those by the way)
-you are tired of feeling bloated and just want to feel confident when putting on a pair of jeans
-you are ready to finally beat the bloat and be able to shop for clothes without worrying about hiding your belly
Girl, I got you.
Get everything you need to succeed
-Videos guiding you every step of the way
-Audio versions of videos
-Simple recipes
-Grocery list
-Checklists to make it easy to succeed
Do you know that if mom can’t function, neither can her family?
But you’re too busy? Don’t have the time?
There is never a perfect time to start
There is never a perfect time to fall apart either.
-Licensed Naturopathic Doctor
-Clinical knowledge and the personal experience of never feeling comfortable in clothes even before being pregnant
-Passionate about getting you the success you deserve and the life you want
- A real life mama who has done this program herself and feels (and looks) sexier in her post baby body than she did in her early 20s
What you can expect:
Module 1-Welcome.
-Overview of the elimination diet
-Explanation of inflammation & food and how it makes you feel
Module 2-Preparation
Module 3-Elimination
Module 4-Reintroduction & symptom exposure
Module 5-Life after the elimination diet
How I help you get there:
-Videos of me guiding you every step of the way
-Audio version if on the go
-Detailed handouts
-Example grocery list
-Easy recipes
-Checklists to ensure you have all you need
-Private Facebook group access for support
This is NOT for you if...
You’re not committed to taking control of your health.
You’re happy feeling bloated .
You don't want to level up your energy and feel sexy in your own skin
This IS for you if..
You are tired of counting calories.
You hate tracking your every bite.
You want to shop for clothers without feeling worried about hiding your belly all the time.
You have zero interest in living at the gym.
You are ready to finally beat the bloat and say bye bye to that muffin top!
It’s not belly fat. It is inflammation in the gut. No amount of crunches can fix that.